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Conflict Exemption

The Public Ethics Law allows the appointment of a part-time State board and commission member having certain conflicts of interest relating to employment or ownership interests if the conflict existed at the time of the appointment and the proposed appointee publicly discloses the conflict to the appointing authority and the Senate, if Senate confirmation is required for the appointment. Although the existence of a conflict may be exempted, other provisions of the Public Ethics Law continue to apply such as recusal from participation in State matters relating to the conflict. While a lobbyist may serve on a State board or commission, pursuant to Ethics Commission regulations, the lobbyist is required to file certain disclosure forms with the Commission and send a copy to the Appointing Authority. Board and commission members are not required to take ethics training which covers matters relating to conflict of interest; however, they are encouraged to seek advice from the Commission when necessary.

Appointee Exemption Disclosure Form and Instructions– Time of Appointment Disclosure Form

Appointee Exemption Frequently Asked Questions

**Please Note – Form #5 should be completed and forwarded to either the appropriate appointing authority or the Governor’s Appointments Office**
